Reading books
In Oak class children are expected to change their own books either from the class library; school library or from their own books at home. Generally four or five sessions (about 15 minutes) of reading at home a week is a good amount. Children are provided with a reading diary and these can be used to record all reading, allowing children to comment on their books in school and at home. It is important to discuss reading with children to ensure that they have a grasp on what they are reading.
In addition to reading at home there is weekly spelling and maths homework set. These contain work on the spelling focus for that week taken from the National Curriculum. Some children will require a lot of help and others may be happy working by themselves but it is important that all children have a go in order to keep abreast of the spelling programme. Maths homework will be based on the week’s work to consolidate what children have been learning or anticipate the week ahead. The sheets necessarily incorporate a range of difficulty and so for some children a good try at the first third of the sheet is sufficient; gentle encouragement and reward for effort are better than a drive for perfection! Homework is set on a Friday and needs to be returned to school the following Thursday. As a general rule maths and reading sheets get harder further down the page so please use your judgement when you think your child is really struggling: a note to this effect would be useful to me.
Oak class will have their sports afternoon on a Wednesday. Swimming will take place on a Tuesday morning (starting in the Autumn term for 8 weeks and then continue in the Summer term.) We like to take advantage of the weather so please make sure your child is properly kitted out with trainers or good pumps (one pair for indoor activities as well as a pair suitable for going outside) and a warm top and that this is available throughout the week.
Teaching arrangements
Mr Higgs teaches Oak Class. On a Monday morning the children will take part in Spanish lessons taught by Mandy. PE sessions will be taught by Julie Dean and a range of trained sports coaches.
Year 5 will continue to be taught violin by Bev Beynon from Shropshire Music Service every Friday afternoon.
Please let me know if I have missed any other important notes or you would like answers to queries related to Oak Class.