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Longden CE Primary School and Nursery

Sports Premium

Sports Premium Funding


The Department of Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport provides funding to support the delivery of PE and school sport.


We are committed to using this resource in developing high quality PE lessons, alongside greater opportunities for sporting competitions and clubs for all our pupils.


We plan to use the Sports Premium Funding across these areas:


  1. Supporting regular sports tournaments, festivals and competitions for all children organised by the school and by the Shrewsbury School Games Partnership.

  2. Training and professional development opportunities for all staff, including qualified sports coaches working alongside our sports co-ordinator, teaching staff and teaching assistants.

  3. Subsidised swimming lessons for children from Year 4 – 6.

  4. The purchase of sports equipment to support the delivery of activity in lessons and playtimes.

  5. Resources and training costs for giving children in Year 6 the opportunity to be part of a School Games Crew and facilitate opportunities for them to implement their skills.

  6. Resources and training to allow all children to benefit from more outdoor educational activities within the school grounds.

Our PE curriculum ensure a clear progression of skills across the school. Please see below for more details.
