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Longden CE Primary School and Nursery

Wraparound Care and Clubs

A number of after school activity clubs that include football, drama, netball, cricket, rounders and outdoor adventurous activities are available throughout the yearPlease see the details below and newsletters for current detailsAll clubs should be signed up for via ParentPay every half term. Some sports and activity clubs are provided by professionally trained leaders, these are charged at £3.50 per session.  If you would struggle financially to cover the cost of these clubs, please contact the school office for details of grants that can be applied for in confidence.

Breakfast Club - available from 7.45am-8.30am daily


To book a place from September 2024, please complete a form for each child attending:
Please read the Breakfast Club Policy before making bookings.
The advance rate is only available if sessions are booked in advance and prior payment is made in full. Ad-hoc sessions are available but must be booked one day in advance and are subject to the standard rate.

If you have any questions please contact the school office.

After School Club - available until 6pm every weekday


After School Care is available from 3-6pm and is run from our nursery building. The provision is charged at £4.80 per hour and sessions must be pre-booked by parents/carers via ParentPay by 10am on the day.  Please see  here for guidance on booking sessions Our After School Care charging policy is also available here.

