We provide our children with many rich experiences and opportunities to enhance the curriculum. In order to ensure that our curriculum meets the needs of our children now and into the future, we are currently deepening our curriculum by looking at each subject and what we are teaching within them, making sure that not only are we meeting the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum, but also that we meeting the needs of our children and community too.
We use Mastery for Maths in Early Years and White Rose Maths in Year 1-6 to teach mathematics. This ensures consistent approaches and progression in all areas of maths and allows children to build upon what they know and can do through a spiral curriculum as they revisit topics and themes. The mastery and White Rose Maths method is based on the idea that learning mathematics should be fun and enjoyable. It focuses on developing deep understanding rather than memorisation. This means that it helps children develop self-belief, persistence and resilience. White Rose Maths helps children develop their conceptual understanding of mathematics by using concrete objects, pictorial representations and abstract thinking. This inclusive approach is based on the principles of cognitive psychology and child development.
Our English is taught using the Read Into Writing scheme. We use this exciting book led, Literary Curriculum ‘Teach Through a Text’ approach to ensure that there is a consistent, cohesive pedagogy used for the planning, teaching and assessment of writing across our school. High quality, book led, planning and teaching immerses children in a literary world, creating strong levels of engagement to provide meaningful and authentic contexts for learning. As they journey through school, our children become critical readers and acquire an authorial style as they encounter a wide-range of significant authors and an extensive variety of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The Literary Curriculum immerses children in texts on interesting and engaging themes; inviting them to step back in time, travel to far away places and to empathise and relate to characters from different cultures, diverse backgrounds and life experiences different to their own. Read Into Writing is complemented by using first hand experiences as a stimulus for writing (both fiction and non-fiction), along with the use of Literacy Shed for poetry and non-fiction.
Other curriculum subjects are taught through topics and themes, and link areas of the curriculum together where appropriate. Information on the themes and topics studied in classes each term can be found on individual class pages on this website.
An overview of the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 academic years can be found below.
If you would like more details or paper versions of these documents, please get in touch with the school office.